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Palm Beach Shores Property Owners Association


​Palm Beach Property Owners Association, Inc. is organized for the general purpose of advancing the civic, cultural and educational interests of the community of Palm Beach Shores, Florida and or the purposes as set forth in Article II of the charter.



" Our Motto "
"Connecting the Ideas, Interests and Energy of our Community" 


​Greetings Palm Beach Shores POA Members and Associate Members,


Welcome to 2024!!

​A brief summary of 2023: your organization sponsored/hosted the Fall Fiesta, Holiday Tree Lighting event, Holiday Party, Winter Fest, Meet the Candidates Night, Spring Fling, the Summer Survival Party, Arbor Day tree planting and weekly Yoga classes, as well to helping to purchase a new sound system for the Community Center.


We have scheduled multiple events and activities for 2024.  New this year is the POA/Seasiders Pickle Ball Social. We will also have the 3rd annual POA/Seasiders Golf Outing and the 2nd Annual Tennis Social. Changes in scheduling and times, if needed/required will be posted on the POA website, (, sent via POA e-mail blasts and town notifications.


Please be sure to notify us if your contact information changes during the year.


Your POA is in need of volunteers to help support our many activities.  Pick a specific event or activity and contribute  an hour, two hours or a day. Contact a Board Member to share your ideas, time and talent.


Do you enjoy the greenery of the Town and the marvelous Parkway? The POA staffs and funds the important Environmental Committee (EC). The EC, a subcommittee of the POA, works creatively and tirelessly, in partnership with the Town to constantly improve the natural beauty of our town's centerpiece - The Parkway. This year we are also working with the town on the beach dune restoration. Both are big jobs and in need of volunteers. Green thumb is optional! Join EC. Many hands make light the work and the foliage grow!


Some reminders:

The POA "season" is from October 1st - September 30th. Dues are payable October 1st. Many of you have requested payment online and we are pleased to advise payment is now accepted online at


Thank you for supporting your Community Association, Palm Beach Shores Property Owners Association.


"I can do things you cannot, you can do things I cannot; together we can do great things". - Mother Teresa




Dave Stevens,  2024 President

337 Bravado Lane


2024 Officers and Board of Directors

Dave Stevens


Janet Kortenhaus-Salmon

1st Vice President

Cathy Breese

2nd Vice President

Scott Ackerman


Maura DeReuil  


Donna Ward

Environmental Chair

Board Members

Rick Kollmeyer

Past President

 Nina Lammert

Social Chair Co-Chair

Laura Ahern

Social Co-Chair

Tracy Larcher


Jack Wilson


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