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Palm Beach Shores Property Owners Association


​Palm Beach Shores Property Owners Association, Inc. is organized for the general purpose of advancing the civic, cultural and educational interests of the community of Palm Beach Shores, Florida and or the purposes as set forth in Article II of the charter.



" Our Motto "
"Connecting the Ideas, Interests and Energy of our Community" 


"The new year stands before us, like a chapter in a book, Waiting to be written. We can help write that story by setting goals" - Melody Beattie


I would like to welcome the Palm Beach Shores Property Owners Association to 2025. A New year, sure to be filled with New adventures and New ideas and highlighting the best of our established activities and traditions. I also chose quotes to keep us motivated through the New Year.


I am looking forward to leading the PBS  Property Owners Association as we collectively explore new avenues to contribute to the enrichment of the residents and the beautification of our town. The board would like to establish programs for entertainment and education and contribute elements that will enhance the functionality and enjoyment of our resources. This is where the fun begins. We will need all our members to be involved. Whether it is volunteering to work at an event, or suggestions for the programs you would like participate in, physical enhancements for use throughout the town, or beautification projects you would like to see.


"A mediocre idea that generates enthusiasm will go further than a great idea that inspires no one." - Mary Kay Ash.


We also have exciting things on the horizon. 2026 will bring us the 75th anniversary of the Formal Incorporation of Palm Beach Shores as well as the 250th anniversary of our Great Country.  We need to start planning and collaborating throughout the year, so we are prepared to celebrate in a memorable and meaningful way.


A calendar of Planned Events is provided in the directory.  You can also refer to our Website  or contact myself or any board member.


Thank you for you continued interest and support of The Palm Beach Shores Property Owners Association. I cannot wait to  begin 2025 "Shores Adventures."


Coming together is a beginning; keeping together is progress; working together is success." -  Henry Ford


Janet L Kortenhaus-Salmon

311 Linda Lane 732-822-6379


2025 Officers and Board of Directors

Janet Kortenhaus-Salmon


Cathy Breese

1st Vice President

Jack Wilson

2nd Vice President

Scott Ackerman


Maura DeReuil  


Donna Ward

Environmental Chair

Board Members

Dave Stevens

Past President

 Nina Lammert

Social Committee

Laura Ahern

Social Committee Chairperson

Tracy Larcher


Ron Raven


©2022. Palm Beach Shores Property Owners Association. All Rights Reserved.

Site Design: Shoreline Media Group


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